I used to play a song called "Solace" by Scott Joplin on the piano- if you'd like, you can listen to it here.
After a day measured through sips of hours-long coffee, the type of bitter concoction that simmers all day on café burners (that old farmers maybe still order at 2 or 3pm with a slice of pie), the 3 types of cookies baked and packed away for decoration in the morning, the wee hands scrubbed of snow, sugar and dough again and again, the snowpants-ed ins and outs of car seats, puddles of snow wiped up from the floor, tantrums calmed, soup slurped, bubble baths drained, blankets tucked, lights out ...
here I sit before the newly decorated tree in my childhood living room, two little snooze-machines one room over, my grandfather's rocking chair almost imperceptibly swaying with my breaths and eye moments, thinking of far-flung friends, telling myself to focus on the solace.