Friday, August 1, 2014

I Love You Love You

Tonight my two-year-old very clearly pronounced "I love you" (not "uhhhhwubwoo" or "woobooboo") for the first time to me. It set off a chain of me saying and her repeating "I love you love you," and giggling throughout the evening.

More and more in her transition from toddler to little girl I've been in awe of how at a certain point, we humans finally, but rather suddenly begin to fully pronounce words and complete sentences. She still tells stories that are funny to my 6 year old and I (ex. "Na na na green, blue kitty na na na octopus!"), but she's getting there.

I have a feeling that we all understand what is being said around us much earlier than that point, and that much of the "terrible twos" comes from frustration in knowing what we want to communicate, but not having the words or the facility to pronounce them.

I guess I still feel that way from time to time.

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