Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Love Note

Most mornings in my house are a little crazy, as I try to deny the arrival of sunrise (or ignore the chime of my alarm through several snooze cycles), get myself and/or my kids through that same waking process then dressed and fed, remember the inevitable dish-washing, dehumidifier-emptying, cat-feeding, daycare drop-off, empty gas tank...and finally head out onto the country highway on my hour-long commute to work.

It is easy in my mornings with the kids to race through the time with the goal of getting out the door, causing me to deflect the requests to bring precious heirlooms to daycare, have a post-breakfast snack, look at this or that, answer mind-boggling questions, soothe sudden whining/crying fits, or otherwise generally recognize the absolute precious nature of that particular time with my children.

This morning, as I rushed through my mental checklist, I was vaguely aware that my 6 year-old said something about how we were out envelopes and could we get more, and that she needed to put something under the pillow. I'm sure I distractedly muttered "uh-huh, ok, yeah, huh" several times without connecting.

So, when I got home tonight and flopped the bedcovers down, to have the following flip out from under my pillow, I was amused, delighted, perhaps a little ashamed, but mostly in love:


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