Monday, August 18, 2014

The Big D

This week I'm at a ticket software conference in Dallas, TX. I don't believe I have ever been here, and although I've been aware of how wonderful Dallas Children's Theater is, Dallas isn't a place I know much about or have had much of a desire to visit.

So, I was pleasantly surprised when this evening we went to the beautiful Dallas Arts District and got to see three amazing performance venues:

1. The Wyly at Dallas Theater Center, a 100' x 100' completely customizable theater space with removable seats and elevate-able boxes:

2. Winspear Opera House, home of the Dallas Opera
3. Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center, where we were treated to a stellar organ recital of a Verdi work on a 4,535 pipe C.B. Fisk Opus 100 organ. 

Quite a cool place actually! 


  1. The ceiling on the symphony kind of looks like the Millennium Falcon, but wow, those are some impressive spaces. I love all the balcony seating at the Opera House! And I am so in love with pipe organs -- I'll bet that Verdi piece sounded spectacular in there!

  2. Yeah it does, doesn't it? It was designed by I.M. Pei. The Verdi piece was amazing and the organist was fully visible so we could watch all his intricate movements. So incredible!
