Friday, August 8, 2014

Shower Buddies

I currently inhabit the same house I lived in during my toddler through elementary school years. It is an 1830's Cornish miner cottage that my parents DIY renovated in the 1970's. Most of their renovations remain intact, including the green/brown shower tiles seen here:

This evening, my 6-year-old surprised me by asking why we have pictures all over the wall. I laughed and asked her if she had discovered that on her own, or if I had mentioned something about it. The tiles always intrigued/amused/frightened me as a kid because of the range of hidden characters that I saw within. Even now, they can either be endearing or freaky depending on the time of day and my mood. Here are a few of my shower buddies:

polar bear, big sniffing doggy or vampire bat
freaky goat character (although it also looks in the bottom right-hand corner like a person peaking around the corner)
dancing nudes


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